lunes, 28 de octubre de 2013


Hello again my blogger friends!

In the last posts we saw practical activities to develop child’s literature through reading. However, have you ever wonder if there is any other way to promote it? Of course there is!

It is the case of Frozen Frames!!!

 It is a funny and creative activity where students learn literature through performing and exchanging oral opinions.

Frozen Frames consists on performing a scene of a story they know. It should be done in groups therefore students should interact with each other. The components of the group should establish a dialogue where they talk about the argument of the story they want to perform and also how are they going to do it. After, the final product could be shown to the rest of the class. Finally, the teacher could suggest that the other groups guess which is the story that their partners are performing.

Here you have clear examples of Frozen Frames. Pay special attention and let’s see if you could guess which story refers to each photo!

How was it? Did you guess all the stories?

As you could see, Frozen Frames could be a useful tool where they could develop their creativity and communicative skills. Moreover, it should be done in groups therefore socializing is also a big component in this activity. Also, we should not forget that frozen frames is a good educational application to activate children’s previous knowledge because they are putting into practice their own ideas.
Furthermore, you should know that it has a simple application because it does not require any special material.

If you want to put into practice this funny activity you could follow the following steps, at the same time you will also find the advantages of using this activity:

  •  Make groups of 4-5 people and tell them that they have 5 minutes to choose one known story, for example one fairy tale

In this step, they are learning how to organize themselves. Moreover, students are also developing their communicative skills. It happens because all of them have to give strong reasons about why choosing the story they like.
  •  Once they have chosen one story, they should talk about its plot

One more time students are using their communicative and social skills. In this case, all together should contribute to build the whole story and summarize it.

  •  Students should choose one relevant moment of the story and try to perform it

This time students should agree to choose a specific moment of the story and try to find a creative way to perform it.
  •    Show the final result to the rest of the class

During this last step, students are remembering their previous knowledge and trying to find the connection with the action shown. 

Application in a Bilingual context

As it is mentioned before, frozen Frames is a really visual activity where students show their knowledge using their own body resources. These strong reasons make us think that it could be also used in a Bilingual Context. Many educational experts agree with the idea that the content should be shown in different perspectives to catch the attention of all our students, for instance reading, using schemas, writing and also observing pictures, videos or FROZEN FRAMES.

How to use it? It is simple you must choose a topic learnt in class, for example The five senses or The water cycle. Students should review their knowledge and try to represent it in front of the class. Here you have an example of The five senses:

As it shows, frozen frames is a good educational activity that help students to acquire or remember the main content of a story or a subject topic. Moreover, it is simple and funny so why don’t we use it?

Would you like to share with me some other good educational applications using Frozen Frames?

Thank you for reading me! See you in the next post! 

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

3 comentarios:

  1. Dear Carla,

    I found very interesting your post as you were able to synthesize the essential things we need to do in order to involve our students in the activity and bring out the best of them.

    Through this exercise it is easy to create a relaxing atmosphere in which children, besides having fun, become familiar with literature and theater. Moreover, it can help them to integrate in the group, to overcome the fear of ridicule, insecurity, shyness ... enhancing friendship and fellowship.

    From my point of view, I consider that frozen frames not only can be use to review contents or to dramatize scenes of a story but also as an introduction to a topic we want to discuss with our students in mentoring class, as for example: respect, solidarity, violence...

    Congratulations for your great post!!

  2. Hello Carla!!

    Frozen Frames are great in my opinion. I have never heard about them until that class but now I know them, I will try to use them as much as I can.

    It may seem a simple activity but the only thing that we have to do to be aware of what it hides is to read all the things you can work with just reading your post. It promotes communication, activates previous knowledge and can be helpful for children to foster socialization besides the great and funny moment of doing it.

    Maybe Frozen Frames can also work as a reading strategy because it works with mind pictures so it can be a good activity to represent some scene of the book there are reading to check if they are capable to retell the story in a different way.

    In addition, the fact of using Frozen Frames according to specific subject topics, for instance topic of the Five Senses you show us, helps to promote a better understanding of that topic through visualization and a deeper knowledge if they are representing it.

    I love the photos, they show the great time we were having. Great post!

    Cris G

  3. Hi Carla!!
    I think your post is incredible! I totally agree with you; these kinds of activities promote the group work among their classmates, so they are developing their communicative skills while they are socializing.

    Moreover, these activities help to develop the students’ imagination and also their creativity when they are representing and thinking about them.

    Finally, with this activity, you could also put in practice the alternative endings. After students have represented a scene, they could imagine what would happened the next, and also invent a different and alternative ending for each tale!

    Congratulations for your post and also thank you for the images!

    Sandra =)
